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Stuyedeyed at Shea Stadium

The Brooklyn/NYC DIY scene is replete with talented bands and artists that offer a plethora of genres for anyone’s taste. Stuyedeyed stands out with their psychedlic, desert-esque facet of punk rock. It’s almost as if Jimi Hendrix, Danzig…

Capital Region Punk Scene Hits Rough Patch

The Capital Region hardcore, metal, and punk scene is currently in a state of distress. Over the past few months attendance at shows has been much lower than normal, thereby contributing to some major losses for the promoters and the…

Fishbone to Play The Hollow in Albany

Los Angeles born ska and funk pioneers Fishbone will make a stop in Albany tonight at The Hollow with guests Downtown Brown as part of their current U.S. tour. After 25+ years of making music, the band is continuing to reach into new…