New York City native Miles Francis will be playing a hometown show at Brooklyn Bowl this Saturday, November 13.
The artist, who identifies as non-binary and uses they/them pronouns, recently announced the release of their new album, Good Man on November 10. Francis shared the title track, “Good Man”, as a teaser for the album, which comes out March 4, 2022.
Think the track sounds like it was inspired by 80s music with a hint of turn-of-the-century pop? You’d be spot on — Francis’ musical inspirations are Prince, David Bowie, and early 2000’s boy bands.
Francis explained the track, saying,
“‘Good Man'” is sung by a man who preaches progressive values, who identifies as ‘one of the good ones’ – yet he fails to recognize his perpetuation of patriarchal behavior in his own life. There are lots of outwardly ‘bad’ men out there – but it’s the ones who claim their ‘good’-ness that can be particularly troublesome and capable of causing real harm.”
Still not sure if you’d like to attend? Read our review of their show at Baby’s All Right in October.
Miles Francis will be opening the show for Antibalas this Saturday at Brooklyn Bowl. Purchase tickets for the show online.

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