Hearing Aide: Tim Herron ‘Sentimental Blues’

Tim Herron, a noteworthy musician in the Upstate New York area, blends folk, blues and hints of country on his latest album Sentimental Blues. The album might suit the listener for both a porch rockin’, lazy afternoon or a night spent home alone pondering where life will take you next. The music can feel as easy as the summer breeze, though lyrically it challenges questions of self-worth, life’s moments of repetition, as well as finding solace at the bottom of a bottle.

Tim Herron Sentimental Blues“Conversations” is an immediate attention grabber, with an easy-listening aesthetic perfect for a day spent driving around town. “Building An Army” takes a political stance towards the military functioning and possibly interfering in children’s educational systems—something that Herron is clearly not a fan of. It’s a stance towards freedom of choice and accepting that children usually might not know what they want to do when they grow up at such a young age—making it easier for the high military powers of the country to suck them in to something they really might not want to do.

In the second track “Hate To See Them Go” Herron copes with a bad day and notes how all the shuffling around can get him down, while having to say goodbye to those he hates to see go. It’s a heartfelt expression of loss and confusion of place, which propels the listener to question their own troubles, while finding comfort in the breaks of lead guitar that smoothly soar with the rhythm guitar in a clash of melodies.

Later on in the second half of the album, Herron explores the darker aspects of life with “Wanting Isn’t Needing” and “As You Were Young.” “Wanting Isn’t Needing” acknowledges that everyone suffers and that although life isn’t always easy, there’s a difference between truly needing something versus simply wanting. The song has beautiful string melodies in between verses of vocals that echo vast country land.

“As You Were Young” tells of a young death coming on a cold fog night. The song tries to accept that everything we love will eventually leave us, and those left standing must find ways to deal with past love and lovely times that can haunt through your present nostalgia. It seems that Herron has found his cure, and that for him is through the relatable and limitless expression that maybe only music can offer.

Key Tracks: Conversations, Sentimental Blues, Hate To See Them Go

Listen Here: Tim Herron Website

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