On the evening of September 9, 2021, a cacophony of spiked collars, fluorescent shorts, and favorite faded tee assembled under the Webster Hall Marquee holding the words SLEIGH BELLS. Vaccine cards in hand, fans appeared to be patient, but closer investigation revealed fingers tapping, shoulders curling and wide eyes darting.
Why the underlying excitement? Because this night celebrated the 10 year anniversary for Sleigh Bells and the release of their newest album, Texis. The sold-out, fully-vaxxed show had dedicated fans yearning to show appreciation for the band’s providing a depth of meaning far deeper than casual.

The energy reflected that night felt like an expression of survival among diverse fans that were grateful to their two heroes, Alexis Krauss and Derek Edward, for providing escape, protection, and tools for self love in order to go on in this world with a head held high.

The ferocity in the fans was unhinged. The darkness and strobes mixed with the bass and tempo perfectly, showcasing the dynamic range of response. A true reflection of the diversity and adversity many fans have experienced due to who they are and who they love.

Sleigh Bells singer Alexis Krauss recalled recognizing nearly all fans in the crowd. Like the recently released song “True Seekers,” fans did not hesitate to drive from places like Washington D.C. and Georgia for this special night.

Motif of duty seemed to resonate throughout the night. It was the responsibility for fans to let go of all the emotions trapped in the safe space both medically and metaphysically. Acceptance to show up as one’s true self allowed for joy to spark a fire that burned away all distractions from the world that existed outside of this hallowed hall.

The short version is Sleigh Bells is my fav band—it’s hard to describe why they’ve had such a profound impact on my life thru the years, but ever since the release of Treats, I can’t get enough Lol so my husband and I came all the way up from Atlanta to see this show! It was so cathartic in the age of covid…I cried after the show just from pure bliss of remembering concerts past…when you go to a Sleigh Bells show, you’ve got to bring the energy & it give it everything you’ve got! And that’s just what we did.
A True Seeker
To tie the ribbon on this musical gift, Sleigh Bells provided a sensory experience conducive for fans to walk together into the void as their authentic selves. Alexis and Derek played fast, loud and with love. New songs and old, the band paid respects to their past and ended with sights pointed towards the future.

The dragons have been awakened by their fearless leaders. Mobilization for a brighter future awaits. Tour starts now. Go see them if you can.

For more Sleigh Bells, treat yourself to a YouTube Rabbit hole of their incredible music video catalog before purchasing your show ticket.
Merch sold out before the show started so if you missed your chance, visit the online store.
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