“A Spirit,” a melodic jazz single by Buffalo’s Donny Frauenhofer is the latest quarantine composition from the Intrepid Travelers frontman.
Frauenhofer plays piano on “A Spirit,” and also handled production, mixing and mastering. Colin Brydalski plays bass and behind the drum kit is Isaiah Griffin. Support these musicians through Patreon, and read below for Frauenhofer’s take on “A Spirit.”
This composition is one that I’m most proud of. I wrote it in one night during the quarantine, and the name comes from the sensation of being alone, but not feeling alone. Whether you call it a muse, a ghost, a spirit, a god, a manifestation of your own subconscious – sometimes things that seem separate from ourselves visit us to deliver a message. I’m not interested in the explanation of why or what this sensation is, but rather communicating the sensation itself. This song is both the product of that, and expresses that feeling.
Donny Frauenhofer
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