Stella Blue’s Band is excited to announce the fifth annual Free Dead in the Park concert to benefit Riverkeeper, presented by The Capitol Theatre and RYTHM Cannabis, at the Naumburg Bandshell in Central Park in New York City on Tuesday, May 14.

Free Dead in the Park began in 2018 when Stella Blue’s Band first played in the bandshell to commemorate the 50 anniversary of the Grateful Dead’s epic free concert with Jefferson Airplane and the Paul Butterfield Blues Band. In the years following, the show has benefitted Riverkeeper and its mission to protect, clean up, and advocate for the Hudson River and surrounding ecosystems.
“Free Dead in the Park is our family reunion and it gets better every year,” said Steve Liesman, the band’s rhythm guitar player, a member of Riverkeeper’s board, and the senior economics reporter for CNBC. “It’s an honor to follow in the footsteps of the Dead in beautiful Central Park while helping support the vital cause of cleaning up the Hudson River.” An exclusive commemorative T-shirt featuring a photo of Bob Weir onstage taken by photographer Jay Blakesberg will be given to everyone who becomes a Riverkeeper member at the event.
Stella Blue’s Band, founded in 2009, recreates the experience of being at a Grateful Dead show – lighting up the tri-state area for more than a decade with its six-piece line-up, including two drummers, strong, soulful vocals, and high-energy performances.

“We’re thrilled to be back supporting Free Dead in the Park and Riverkeeper and bringing together the power of good music and collective action for the environment in the heart of New York City,” said Peter Shapiro, owner of The Capitol Theatre.
Riverkeeper protects and restores the Hudson River, and safeguards drinking water supplies through community partnerships, science, and law. They improve water quality, restore habitat for an abundance of life, and address the impact of climate change on waterways. Founded in 1966 as the Hudson River Fishermen’s Association, Riverkeeper became the model for more than 320 Waterkeeper organizations and established globally recognized standards for waterway and watershed protection.
“Listen to the river sing sweet songs with the Stella Blue’s Band at one of Riverkeeper’s most beloved events, Free Dead in the Park,” said Tracy Brown, President of Riverkeeper. “Join environmentalists and music enthusiasts in celebrating and supporting the preservation of the Hudson River.”
For more information, visit here.
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