Hailing from New York’s Finger Lakes Region, The Endless Mountain Derelicts released their third full-length EP in August, titled Good Got Damn. The group is an all-original blend of alternative, country, classic rock, folk, and punk, or a self-described mountain rock. EMD cites a blue collar, original yet familiar sound as inspiration for Good Got Damn. The EP features six tracks, all distinct yet with a strong style indicative of their passion and intensity.
The opening track, “State Lines,” starts out strong with energized, gritty vocals. The minor key and consistent backing vocals create a depth to the track that shows the group’s skill and unity.
The EP’s second track, “Ain’t It A Shame,” follows with an acoustic base and melancholy lyrics, leading into another energized, belting chorus. The vocals stay reserved during verses, but the energy and passion is released in the strong chorus.
“Light That Fuse” stands out creatively as a key track on the record. In this track, the group shows off their versatility in structure. The song has a strong, memorable hook in the chorus’s “light that fuse and run.”
Overall, The Endless Mountain Derelict’s Good Got Damn is a strong display of their unique style and passion. Their use of drums and creative syncopation is a key component that stands out across the board, as the arrangements strongly feature percussion. Additionally, the vocals show off an intense grit, which is a strong way to add character to a track, but finds its way to being a hallmark of EMD’s style.
The group carries an ethos of blue collar, lively inclusivity, which shines through in both their lyrics and sound. The group’s third full length release, Good Got Damn is a passionate combination of soulful lyrics and skilled musicianship.
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