And the winner of Art Voice Boom 2015 is …

This past Friday the Tralf Music Hall located in the theater district of Buffalo was bursting at the seams with musicians and patrons alike. This was the night that many had been waiting for ever so patiently. It was the night a band would be crowned winner of Art Voice Boom competition. They would walk away five-thousand-dollars richer and opening up at the ever famous Kerfuffle concert at the end of July.DSC_8961-4

I arrived shortly before the first band took the stage and I was pleasantly surprised by what I seen. I saw musicians from many local bands that came out to support and that really was the best part of the night. It shows that this music community is ever-growing and supporting of one another. That what I say holds true time and time again. The fact that we are all in this together. Without the support of other bands and music fans we are nothing.

First to take the stage was the band Intent to Sell, I have watched these guys over the past year and I am blown away time and time again by the way they incorporate hip hop with rock and roll. What I like best about this band is that the lyrics tell a story that each and every one of us can relate to. They finished their set off by talking about the dangers of addiction and it really touched home with me. I think for most of us know or know someone who was personally affected by the results of addiction. They finished their set with a song called “The Light.” This song was about losing someone who we can all relate to and really put ourselves in the lyrics of the song. It was truly touching and beautiful.


Second band up was Uncle Bens Remedy. I saw these guys a couple of weeks ago at the semifinal rounds. I must say they really get the crowd going. Tonight was no different from the first time I saw them. They came from Gowanda, N.Y. and brought two busloads of people.

This band can be considered country like. There songs don’t necessarily all have deep meanings but they are fun, witty and upbeat. Front man Ben Westlund really gets the crowd going and you can’t help but be entranced by his on stage charm and loud hillbilly like calls.

Third up was a band I had never previously heard of but was quite entrancing. They were called Luanjie, they are a funk rock kind of band. From their catchy riffs to the melodies this band was entertaining from start to finish. What I loved is the bass player had a homemade bass that he used on stage and it sounded just as great as one pulled from the wall of Guitar Center.DSC_9031

Last but certainly not least was Erica Wolfling. She is a solo artist that I am amazed by every time I have watched her. She has such a beautiful haunting voice that you can’t help but stop what you’re doing and watch her. She is talented in many instruments from the piano, to guitar and even the harp.


Now the time came that everyone for weeks on end has been waiting for, the results. The winner of the Art Voice Boom competition was Uncle Bens Remedy. They walk away with a five thousand dollar prize and opening spot on the Kerfuffle concert.

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