Hard rock and heavy metal never seem to get the spotlight much in general. But over the modern era of movies and television, some of that media did have the balls to put metal and hard rock front and center. And when it came to light, various fictional bands were made for our viewing and listening pleasure that we all salivated over and just thought “man…if only they were REAL.” So now let’s take a look at the top ten fictional hard rock and metal bands.
10. Stillwater from ‘Almost Famous’ (2000)
This movie may not have been a box office smash, but did generate Oscar nominations and a Grammy for best movie soundtrack. The fictional band Stillwater was a 70’s hard rock band featured in this flick, as a young journalist follows them on the road. This movie has become a cult classic and has been praised by critics and fans alike.
9. The Foreskins from ‘How I Met Your Mother’
I was never a fan of this show, (GASP!) however, check out these hilarious sequences below. It’s nice to see that a primetime network sitcom had it in them to highlight heavy metal.
8. Wyld Stallyns from the ‘Bill And Ted’ movies (1989, 1991)
With so much buzz about Bill and Ted 3 a possibility in the near future, let’s take a look at the greatness that is the Wyld Stallyns and why they SHOULD have opened for Iron Maiden. We can’t wait to see what the Wyld Stallyns have been up to in present time.
7. Clam Daddy from ‘Pray For Rock & Roll’ (2003)
Someone once close to me showed me this movie years ago, and man, what an unforgettable and overlooked movie. It’s crammed with drama and unforgettable moments, but more importantly, it has lots of killer music. These chicks rock hard, but struggle trying to get that major label deal that every band wants. Check out the scene below.
6. Satan’s Night Out/The Vampire Lestat from ‘Queen Of The Damned’ 2001
If vampires were real, I hope they would put on a concert like this. (And maybe not sound like Jonathon Davis)
5. The Lone Rangers from ‘Airheads’ (1994)
I was a radio student in college and our professor MADE us watch this movie. If I didn’t include it on this list, someone would have hunted me down.
4. Crucial Taunt from the ‘Wayne’s World’ movies (1992,1993)
Everyone was in love with Cassandra Wong when these movies came out. And if Wayne and Garth were doing this in the YouTube era….watch out!
3. Steel Dragon from ‘Rockstar’ (2001)
SPOILER ALERT. Yes…this movie is really about Tim ‘The Ripper” Owens and his stint with Judas Priest. So if you know that whole ordeal then you know what to expect in this movie. However, it was awesome seeing Zakk Wylde and Jason Bonham in the same band. And yes that is Myles Kennedy of Alter Bridge at this scene at the end.
2. Spinal Tap from ‘This Is Spinal Tap’ (1984)
I’m sure there’s a lot of pissed off metal heads right now for this not being number one. But hey, it’s on the list. ‘This Is Spinal Tap’ is like the holy Bible for metal heads and a hilarious movie.
1. Dethklok from ‘Metalocalypse’
This is the unquestionable greatest cartoon ever and the most powerful fictional band to ever slay the universe. There is no justifying this fictional band for being number one. Yes, there is a Dethklok that tours….but that doesn’t count.
So what order do you think this list should be in, and who is your number one fictional band. What fictional band would you include on this list that was not mentioned? Sound off in the comments below.
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