Eastbound Jesus Will Join Lucid for A Halloween Costume Party, October 25

On Friday October 25th Plattsburgh’s Lucid will be accompanied by the Capital Region’s Eastbound Jesus at the Waterhole in Saranac Lake for a costume party to celebrate Halloween. 

This will be the first performance by Lucid at the Waterhole since their album release of Home is Where We Wanna Grow in June. Lucid has made their mark on the music scene with their unique blend of  blues, jazz, rock, ska and hip-hop. Eastbound Jesus will also bring their fresh sound to the stage with their six-piece acoustic and electric band playing bluegrass, Americana and Northern rock. The event is 21+, $10 at the door and doors will open at 9 pm. The Waterhole is located at 48 Main Street in Saranac Lake, so get your costumes ready for an epic night of music and dancing.

Follow the Waterhole @SLWaterhole | Waterhole Facebook

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