Those who often travel usually have horror stories to share about missing luggage, or being bumped from their flight. The members of death metal band Psycroptic recently joined that fraternity, in a most inconvenient way.
Psycroptic is a death metal band out of Tasmania, Australia. They’ve been together for 14 years and have a strong following based on their Facebook page, which has more than 96 thousand likes. Their most recent release was “The Inherited Repression” in February 2012.
Based on their Facebook page , Psycroptic was in the midst of closing out a tour across Europe when they were apparently stranded in Moscow, Russia.
On Monday, the band took to Facebook and Twitter with the following:
Though there was no response from the band via Twitter, it appears they were able to reach their destination, albeit later than they had anticipated.
Qantas is Australia’s largest airline, the oldest continuously operated airline in the world, and boasts to never having lost a jet airliner nor had any fatal accidents – outside of World War II. The band pokes fun of the airliner’s company slogan: Spirit of Australia.
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