Rob Compa to Join Neighbor as Founding Guitarist Lyle Brewer Departs at End of Winter Tour

On January 15, New England jam band Neighbor announced to a thriving fanbase that original guitarist Lyle Brewer would be departing the band at the end February in the middle of their current tour.

Neighbor Putnam Place lyle brewer dan kelly
Photo by Scott Marks

A day later, at Putnam Place in Saratoga Springs, fans from joined in to kick off the band’s Winter Tour and catch the final performances from a group that has toured nationally and grown not just a fanbase but a community in just six short years. 

The band’s announcement announcing the departure of Lyle Brewer and Rob Compa joining Neighbor can be seen below:

rob compa neighbor
rob compa neighbor

During the Putnam Place show, at the end of “Thunder Island,” keyboardist Richard James took a moment to speak on Brewer’s pending departure from the band.

“This is a very special night for us, yesterday we announced that Lyle is going to be taking off and doing his own thing. We’re gonna be welcoming Rob Compa from Dopapod who’s going to be joining us, and we’re going to be continuing this thing. Neighbor is this (motioning to the crowd) this is what it is – people enjoying music together, having fun, music is the centerpiece, and community and people taking care of each other.

“This is what its all about, having fun on weekends, having fun on weekdays, whatever just getting out of the house, enjoying yourself, having a good time. That’s what Neighbor is all about, and we thank you all so much for coming out and being a part of the music. We appreciate you guys so much for your support for the last 6 years and what you’ve done for this band and helped us just do our thing, get along and do the thing that we love the most. So thank you guys”

Rob Compa’s statement on joining Neighbor can be seen below.

Catch the final Neighbor shows with Brewer through February.

Feb 21 – Jim Thorpe, PA
Feb 22 – Pawtucket, RI
Feb 23 – Beverly, MA

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