On Saturday, May 6, Pink Talking Fish celebrated two iconic rock albums at The Wellmont Theater in New Jersey by performing them in their entirety. The albums being celebrated were Pink Floyd’s iconic Dark Side of the Moon & Talking Heads’ Stop Making Sense. One Eyed Jack joined the party to open up the night.
Pink Talking Fish played Dark Side of the Moon in its entirety for the first set. Highlights included “Money”, “Great Gig in the Sky” and the sheer funk of “Any Color You Like”.
The band took a break and proceeded to burn down the house with a faster paced, very funky Talking Heads album. Highlights included “Psycho Killer”, “Girlfiend is Better”, & of course a crowd favorite “Crosseyed & Painless”.
The band encored with a thumping “Carini” & groovy “2001” filling the void of Phish covers of the night. Uncle Ebenezer performed many tasteful Phish covers at the afterparty.
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