Rock & Roll Man, a new musical honoring legendary American DJ Alan Freed, opens on Broadway on June 21, announced today by Tony Award-winning producers Caiola Productions and Jay & Cindy Gutterman. Previews begin June 2. Constantine Maroulis stars as Alan Freed, and Randal Myler directs the musical.
Set on the last day of Freed’s life, Rock & Roll Man chronicles the life and accomplishments of Alan Freed, the boundary-pushing musician who popularized the records that became the foundation of rock. The musical comprises an original score with genre-defying hits like “Lucille,” “Why Do Fools Fall in Love,” and “Tutti Frutti,” to name a few. Unsurprisingly, the production won the 2019 Broadway World Berkshires Awards for Best Musical.
Producers Caiola Productions and Jay & Cindy Gutterman said “Rock & Roll Man is a timeless and tremendously entertaining musical that will move and inspire people of all ages and backgrounds.” They expanded on Freed’s accomplishments in the industry, including defying the then-status quo by being the first white DJ to play Black music on mainstream radio. In doing this, Freed united Black and white artists at the dawn of the civil rights movement.
Randal Myler is a Tony Award nominee for co-conceiving and directing It Ain’t Nothin’ But The Blues at Lincoln Center. Additionally, he wrote and directed the critically acclaimed Hank Williams: Lost Highway. Other credits include his Janis Joplin bio-musical Love, Janis, which surpassed 700 performances at the former Village Gate, a many more.
Constantine Maroulis, born in Brooklyn and raised in New Jersey is best known for his iconic star turn in Broadway’s Rock of Ages, earning him a number of accolades, including Star of the Year. He hails from the heyday of American Idol, winning the hearts of 30 million viewers weekly during the show’s fourth season, despite coming in sixth place. A graduate of the prestigious Boston Conservatory at Berklee College of Music, Maroulis resides in New Jersey and has a 12-year-old daughter, Malena James.
Keep an eye out for Rock & Roll Man on Broadway ticket information.
Listen to Alan Freed’s radio show.
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