The Center of The Arts in Homer hosted an astounding show on Saturday, November 5 with well known tribute band The Machine performing Pink Floyd. With a 30+ year legacy of extending the voice of Pink Floyd, The Machine continues to carry on the reputation of the British rock band that began in 1965.
The Machine is a New York based group of four, expanding the Floyd reputation of the 1970’s. The band consists of drummer Tahrah Cohen, electric guitarist Ryan Ball, pianist Scott Chasolen and lead singer and guitarist Chris Deanglis. The group performs in memory of Joe Pascarell, who founded the band back in 1988.
The Machine put on a show and performed some of Pink Floyd’s top hits, “Comfortably Numb,” “Wish You Were Here,” and many others from album Dark Side of The Moon, released in 1973. The album was conceived as a concept of mental health regarding former original band member Syd Barrett who left the group in 1968.
Overall The Machine performs Pink Floyd plays with such accuracy, it’s truly outstanding the band has been able to continue the legacy and importance of Pink Floyd which has greatly impacted the music community. Playing all around the world, sold out shows and growing their audience. The Machine has truly become a tribute phenomenon.
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