Michael Vincent Waller’s foray into the world of hip hop continues with his latest single, “Check In,” featuring teenage YouTube star and rapper, Matt Ox. The highly touted classical composer’s latest endeavor comes on the heels of his debut hip hop project, the Lex Luger assisted, CLASSIC$.

MVW now recruits the frenetic Matt Ox, who has amassed tens of millions of views, with his breakout song “Overwhelming” amassing 31 million views. “Check In” will serve as promotion for MVW’s sophomore album, Connections. Continuing to draw on the parallels between his life as a composer and hip-hop producer.
The theme of the upcoming project is entitled ‘Connections,’ MVW reveals.” “This first single channels that ethos of branching out into the hip hop landscape and making revelations through collaboration and furthermore, the title for the project was derived from a bar in [the song’s first verse], “I am way too connected, too many connections.
Connections are what MVW has continued to foster, as he has developed working relationships with many talented acts like Atlanta-bred Lil Gotit and Good Music artist Valee. Jumping head-first into a new creative space, an invigorated MVW has churned out his second project in less than a year.
Matt Ox, whose newer releases have seen him experiment with his vocal ranges, shows his versatility. On “Check In” he rhymes in a start & stop flow focusing on cadence and annotation.
As a producer MVW is equally parts free-wheeling and controlling. Preferring to give leeway on artistic freedom while focusing on the song’s structure and vocal tones on his beats.
Overall, Matt was given freedom to be inventive and true to his voice in the chorus and verse, but how the final arrangement and orchestration played out was very meticulous and true to the way I like to work on records that is starting to feel like a melodic signature for the music I’m working to produce and release into the world.
MVW’s quest to explore classical sounds within the frame of contemporary trap sounds require a great attention to detail. On “Check In” Matt Ox’s enigmatic flow on eerily inviting loops are structured for rhythmic optimization and his pursuit has brought him, Connections.
The vocals could be considered more complex in their delivery and intonation than maybe appears on the surface, or from first listen. I think the more one sits with the material and marinates on how the vocals are arranged with the beat, the exact placement and timing in relation to the bars and feel of the cadence.
MVW’s continues the road to Connections with another Matt Ox assisted single, also featuring Valee and 645AR releasing on April 22 and a spring/summer timetable set for the album.
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