New York City based singer Karine Hannah releases cover of the classic KISS song “I Was Made For Loving You.”

Hannah’s cover of the song turns what was once a rock anthem into a slow, acoustic love ballad. She keeps the same melody throughout but strips the song of its guitar riffs and heavy drums, letting the lyrics do the heavy lifting.
“The sensual nature within the lyrics “I was made for loving you baby, you were made for loving me” steers away from KISS’s theatrical sex energy and instead reveals a more profound passion within these familiar lyrics,” Hannah said. “The gentle instrumentals allow the listener to feel a genuine connection rather than a longing for a one-night stand.”
Even though, Hannah transforms the song its well known melody remains as catchy and memorable as ever. Her crooning voice offers a new interpretation of Paul Stanley’s original performance. Best evidenced, by Hannah’s appealing way of stretching out the vowels in words such as “me” and “you”.
By paring back the song’s rock trappings Hannah aims for sentimentality. It’s a target she nearly hits if it weren’t for the difficulty in separating the song from the transgressive energy so closely associated with KISS’s original version (and their whole careers).
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