The masked Iowans of Slipknot unleashed a surprise new video on fans Wednesday for Halloween. The video for “All Out Life” from their upcoming, yet-to-be-named album was produced by band member M. Shawn Crahan — aka “Clown.” Apple Music’s Beats 1 debuted the single with frontman Corey Taylor in studio.
Taylor told host Zane Lowe, “Everybody talks about toxic masculinity and toxic fandom these days. For me, it’s more about this toxic idea that unless something came out 10 minutes ago, it’s not any good, and that bothers me.”
The single, the first new music from the band since 2014’s .5:The Gray Chapter, is a rallying cry according to Taylor, “Let’s not talk about old. Let’s not talk about new. Let’s talk about what’s good, what’s real, and get behind that and start embracing things that matter.”
Taylor calls the upcoming album, “One of the darkest chapters in Slipknot’s history.” Get a glance of what’s upcoming with the video for the new single below.
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