So Last Year debut captivating new song ‘Minutes Away, Worlds Apart’

So Last Year’s “Minutes Away. Worlds Apart” is a song about that moment in a relationship when one person is having to tell the other that things are just not going to work out. 

The song came to Logan, lead singer and writer, over the course of a week, and after working on the song he realized that the bridge would be the perfect moment to bring the whole scene together. In the bridge, both people are singing to each other at the same time, one explaining how things aren’t working and the other explaining how there’s still hope to make it work. The song really conveys tension between two people that are at two different places in a relationship, both lyrically and musically.

Logan’s musical theater background leads him to write in story format often, and this song is no exception. Fans of catchy hooks, funky guitar riffs and toe-tapping drums with be in love from the moment they hear the song start.  You can expect it to be featured on So Last Year’s upcoming album.

You can find So Last Year on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. You can find So Last Year on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

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