Shower Curtain Drop “benadryl man” Ahead of Album Release

The Brooklyn-based band Shower Curtain has released “benadryl man,” their second single from their upcoming album Words From a Wishing Well, out on October 18.

Shower Curtain

Shower Curtain, the four-piece band led by vocalist Victoria Winter has become a new fixture in the Brooklyn Shoegaze scene. As a band, they have been steadily releasing music since 2020, with the release of their self-titled EP. Now, four years later, their first album is set to release in October on Angel Tapes/Fire Talk Records. Their sound has evolved quite a bit over this period culminating in an album that contains more introspective lyrics than previous works.

“benadryl man” in particular contains the hauntingly visual lyrics, “He’s hanging out when I’m not around,” Which rather than explaining a ‘nightmare,’ recounts a grotesque mystery; a discomfort to be sure, but one that reflects a disappointing reality instead of a genuine horror. A common theme in these songs is the yearning for a lost innocence left behind in childhood. This is visualized in the music video (see below) for their newest song, which features stuffed animals and tea parties… but make it creepy.

Victoria Winter, says, “‘benadryl man’ tells the story of my issues with sleeping and anxiety. I see a figure sitting on my couch and it prevents me from entering a stage of peace, moreover not feeling safe in my home. The instrumentals are a little sinister and creepy, and I always envisioned having strings on this.”

The songs of Shower Curtain take the principles of the shoegaze sound of the nineties, (particularly reminiscent of those with female vocalists such as Lush or my bloody valentine) but by utilizing the vocals as the lead of the tracks, rather than riffs, it tightens to gap toward pop which brings a distinctly modern feeling.

On Sep 28, they’ll perform at Baby’s All Right in Brooklyn with Winter.

Learn more about Shower Curtain here.

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