Wild Adriatic will boldly go where few bands have gone before, as they’ll play their 1000th show together! To celebrate this milestone, they’ll be using Putnam Place’s video wall to present “Wild Adriatic Goes to Space,” part of a 75 minute nonstop set of space themed covers and Wild Adriatic originals. Toronto’s After Funk will kick things off at 9pm.
In determining that this would indeed be their 1000th show, Wild Adriatic drummer Mateo Vosganian looked over the band’s spreadsheet a few months ago and his reaction was a bit of a surprise, as Vosganian puts it, “Oh Shit, haha it’s our 1,000th show soon! So we threw some ideas around about how to make it special. We’ve always wanted to go to space, so what better time than now?”
Starting in 2011, Wild Adriatic has toured across the country, performed at countless festivals including Bonnaroo, and even have two tours of Europe under their belt. “Some of our 2011-2012 shows were a bit hazy on when/where/how but luckily digging thru emails and a few old booking spreadsheets helped me put it together. Google Docs is my savior.”
“It’s also funny because even though we’ve played 1,000 shows I feel like we’re just getting started. Like this year we just figured out how to write songs together in a really meaningful way to the three of us. It’s sort of like these 1,000 shows have been preparation for the next step. We have a ton of new material we’re going to start unveiling in the next year and have a stacked summer tour ahead, so it’s just a really exciting time. Super happy to be able to celebrate with our family and friends in Saratoga, especially before the summer gets insane.”
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