Lakeshore Record Exchange announced that it will be closing the doors of its retail shop this summer. This cornerstone of the Rochester music community specialized in alternative music, especially rare and imported items. Starting next week on Monday, they will begin liquidating their inventory. The store will close once it’s empty. A farewell event is scheduled for September 20, with a live performance from Australia’s Severed Heads.
Time, technology and the ways in which people consume music have have changed, and in doing so have brought the Lakeshore Record Exchange’s purpose for being to its natural conclusion. – Andrew Chinnici, President
While the store at 307 Park Avenue is closing, the ancillary activities will continue. will continue to deliver alternative music online and through streaming apps. The Alternative Music Film Society will also live on with monthly screenings at the Memorial Art Gallery, located at 500 University Avenue. This month’s offering, Garbage One Mile High Live, will take place on Thursday, July 20 at 6:45 p.m. Admission is free.
The farewell show will also take place at the Memorial Art Gallery. This is one of a handful of U.S. shows Severed Heads will be playing this fall. The event starts at 9 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 20. Tickets are on sale for $20 in advance at Lakeshore Record Exchange or Memorial Art Gallery, or online with a small delivery fee. Tickets will be $25 on the day of the event.
Follow Lakeshore Record Exchange on Facebook for more information and updates.
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