The Supreme Team documentary, chronicling the rise and fall of the infamous organized crime syndicate, premiered on Showtime on July, 10. The three-part docu-series — which was made available on the Showtime streaming service on July, 8 — explores the inner-workings of the criminal enterprise and its mob influenced structure.
In addition, director Peter J. Scaletarr (who holds producer credits on the Wu Tang Clan documentary, Of Mics and Men) probes into Queens history and their community ethos. Painting a vivid image into just how the men who made the Supreme Team famous came to be. Nas narrates (and Mass Appeal produces) and interviews Queens native LL Cool J throughout part 1 of the docu-series. While various members of the Supreme Team — including leader Kenneth “Supreme” McGriff and underboss Gerald “Prince” Miller, who are both serving life sentences — shared insider details.
The Supreme Team served as the influence for many of hip hop’s premier and most recognizable rhymers. LL Cool J, who is considered one of hip hop’s first superstars, mimicked the Supreme Team’s style and would frequent their parties and events in order to rub elbows with the popular hustlers. 50 Cent, who also hails from Southside neighborhood of Jamaica Queens, was fairly close to the Supreme Team’s leader, Kenneth “Supreme” McGriff. He was also a close mentee to one of the organization’s lieutenants, Black Just.
The Supreme Team’s mob like structure was a rarity among street gangs, as their aura gained them recognition throughout all of New York City. In reality, they were much more than a gang but rather a large syndicate with a meticulously planned out infrastructure.
Kenneth “Supreme” McGriff is currently serving a life sentence after being convicted for the murder-for-hire of Eric “E MoneyBags” Smith and drug trafficking. Gerald “Prince” Miller was indicted on federal drug charges in 1992 and is currently incarcerated.
Part 2 of the “Supreme Team” documentary-series will air on Sunday, July 17 at 10 p.m. eastern.
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